Lorry Transport Services Singapore

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Office Mover

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House Mover

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Safe Mover

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Piano Mover

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Whether you’re moving heavy equipment from your office or factory or you’re looking to transport fragile items from your home or art studio, having a reliable lorry transport is what you need. Depending on your destination spot, you may want to transport such items a few blocks away or to a different continent. In either case, the lorry you get to transport your item must be well-maintained and the service must ensure a safe and secure move of all your belongings.

No matter how harsh the weather may get or how steep the road may turn out, Office Movers Singapore is there as your reliable, professional, and efficient partner to provide you with the ideal lorry transport service you need. Our affordable rates and high-quality service makes the decision of hiring us a no-brainer. And when that combines with expert and dependable drivers who will do everything to transport your items safely to the destination, you’re in for a treat. Our extensive team of experienced drivers is available for even short-notice moves.

How do we transport your items?

Here’s how we help you move your items through the lorry transport service.

  • When you contact us online, our system matches a suitable driver based on the items you want to move or the route you want to take. That’s done in combination with the right set of lorries that match your requirements
  • After you confirm the booking of the service and make the payment, the driver is assigned to your move
  • If needed, we visit your place – factory, home, or office – to take a closer look at the type of items you want to be moved. This visit enables us to ensure the right type of lorry for your goods
  • We drop by your place at the scheduled hour to load your items in the lorry
  • Your goods are now transferred to the destination or to the warehouse/storage facility

For moving heavy items, we normally assign a tailgate lorry along with roller boards so your heavy items can be easily loaded. That said, no matter what item you want to move, our lorry transport service moves it for you.

Call us today to book this service or ask for an obligation-free quote.